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Buying Wedding Bands in Nashville | Grogan Jewelers

Written by Grogan Jewelers By Lon | Jan 24, 2023 5:15:56 PM

It’s here! The most exciting adventure of your life thus far has begun. He bought the ring, he got on a knee, you exclaimed, “Yes!” and the wedding planning has begun. As overwhelming as this time may be, you’re also in the midst of an incredible journey. You and the love of your life get to start a life together, and there is nothing that beats that feeling.

One exciting next step you get to do is select your wedding bands. These bands will represent your union and love for the rest of your lives. Because it is such an important symbol, and not to mention something you both will wear daily, there are some important aspects to consider. Who gets to pick out the bands? Who pays for the bands? Should they match or not? What styles are there? Thankfully, we have a comprehensive guide to help you navigate this process.

When Should I Start Shopping?

Oftentimes, wedding planning becomes all-encompassing, and the search for your wedding bands gets pushed to the last minute. For some reason, “shop for wedding bands” is a step often forgotten on many wedding checklists, and ends up being left until the end. The last thing you want is a desperate scramble to find wedding bands days before you get married.

We highly recommend that you start your search early. Each of you will wear this band every day, so you want to find something that is comfortable, stylish, practical, and within your budget. You don’t want to buy a ring just because you have to find one that day. If there is a unique style or size you’re looking for, you want to have time to find exactly what you want. Further, you should give yourself a buffer of time in case the ring is not in stock and needs to be shipped.

If you’re not sure where to start, check out Grogan Jewelers. Grogan is a local jeweler with an expansive selection of options for both men and women, three brick-and-mortar locations near Nashville, Tennessee and in Florence and Hustville, Alabama, plus an easy-to-use website.

Who Picks Out the Bands?

In short, there is no wrong way to go about shopping for your wedding bands. Traditionally, the groom picks out and buys the bride’s engagement ring and wedding band, while the bride chooses and pays for the groom’s. In modern times, it is much more common for the future bride and groom to shop together. Talk with your partner about the wedding bands and decide what makes sense for you as a couple. Considering you will wear these bands daily, it is probably more important to find something you both like than it is to surprise each other.

What Should I Consider While Shopping?

Buying a wedding band seems simple enough. It’s not as expensive or intricate as the engagement ring, so how hard could it be? Here are a few things you should consider while you’re shopping.

Your Lifestyles

You and your partner will likely wear your wedding bands every day, so it is important to consider the practicality of your wedding bands. Some women will wear just their wedding band and not their engagement ring, especially if they are doing something active or traveling.

If you are a busy person and rarely have time to run errands, you might want a simpler band that does not require upkeep. A timeless gold or silver band requires little to no maintenance and will never go out of style. If you get a more intricate band, it may need periodical cleanings and repairs.

If you are athletic, work out often, or work with your hands, think about a band that can withstand that activity level. You might want a band that is more heavy-duty or robust and made of a material that is not prone to scratching or snapping.

If you live a lavish lifestyle and take pride in your material possessions, you may want a band that is a bit more flashy. If you are constantly attending elegant galas and upscale fundraisers, your ring should match your social calendar. A diamond-encrusted wedding band could be the accent piece to your engagement ring that brings the look together.

Matching Bands

One popular trend is for the bride and groom to match their wedding bands to each other. Talk with your partner and decide if this is something you’re both into. If so, there are many different ways you could match one another.

First, you could get identical wedding bands. While the size and width would most likely be different, you could both get a simple gold band that matches completely. You could also take a more subtle route and match some of the smaller details and aspects of the ring. You could select a similar color, the same stone, or the same embellishment. There are also some bands that are two halves that go together. For example, if you take the man’s and the woman’s band and set them together, they form a shape. This could be a way to show an emotional bond without matching completely.

If you’re not into the idea of matching each other’s wedding bands, that is totally okay! You are two unique individuals who fell in love, and keeping that individuality is important. If you both have vastly different tastes, embrace that. Get what you like, what looks good, and what is comfortable on your finger. After all, you will look at that ring every day. For many couples, selecting a ring that you’re proud to wear and is comfortable on your finger will be more important than matching what your fiance has on their hand.

The Fit of the Band

Getting a wedding band that fits right is essential. For the woman’s band, you’ll need to consider the engagement ring. If the engagement ring has a thick band, you might be limited in how wide your wedding band can be. You don’t want a ring so thick and wide that your fingers can’t comfortably touch or bend. If the band on the engagement ring is thin, you’ll want something that complements the size and doesn’t make it look unbalanced. Some engagement rings are made to fit a certain band, so be sure to ask your jeweler if that ring comes as a set, or if there is a specific style meant to go with that engagement ring.

On the men’s side, width is going to be the biggest question. Men’s hands and fingers are typically much larger than women’s. The width of a ring that looks good on a woman’s hand might look laughably dainty on a man’s. A ring that is thicker and broader might look better than you expect it to if your fiance has large hands.

Going further, with men’s wedding bands, there are different structures on the inside of the ring. There are flat insides, dome insides, and concave insides. The structure of the inside of the ring determines how it will sit on his finger. A flat structure is as it sounds–a flat surface all the way around. A dome structure, or D-shape, creates a rounded surface, as well as rounded edges. The concave structure does the opposite, as it curves the surface inward. It is probably best to have your fiance try on each style because some men find one structure significantly more comfortable than the others.


One special touch you can add to a wedding band is to have it engraved. Think about the things that make your relationship what it is, such as important dates, memorable sayings, your initials, or inside jokes you have. Getting your ring engraved will be a personal touch that will last a lifetime. If you plan to engrave the ring, make sure you start your search for a band early. Engravings take time, and you may not be able to take the band with you the day you purchase it.

How Much Should I Spend on the Wedding Band?

There is no right or wrong answer here. What is most important is that you find a ring you love that works with your budget. On average, a man’s wedding band will cost about $400-$500. A woman’s wedding band has a much wider price range, and the average cost can be between $1,000- $3,000. Talk with your partner about who is going to pay for which bands. Then, either together or separately, figure out a budget. If you have a tighter budget, determine what the most important parts of the ring are to you and which parts you’re willing to compromise on.

The cost of a ring will vary significantly depending on what type of metal you choose, the size of the ring, and the embellishments you select. On a men’s ring, for example, a gold band will be more expensive than a tungsten band, even if they look very similar. Generally, the larger the ring, the more metal is used, so the more expensive it will be. If you want embellishments, such as diamonds or stones, that will also drive up the cost. Talk with your local jeweler about what you’re looking for and what your budget is, and they can help point you in the right direction.

Getting Started in Nashville

Shopping for your band should be exciting and fun. Start by taking a look at rings online to get an idea of what you like. Then, reach out to your local jeweler. Grogan Jewelers is the best place to start. Grogan is a locally owned and operated jeweler with years of experience. They have options for every style, and every price point—they have that local Nashville flair. They have an expansive selection and will get you the right ring, no matter what your style or your budget. Don’t let this exciting time become overwhelming and stressful. Trust Grogan Jewelers to take care of your wedding band needs.